At Broke Hall, we want children to enjoy maths and appreciate it as an essential life skill. Our aim is for children to become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics and be able to recall and apply learning accurately and quickly. We want children to develop a deep understanding of mathematical concepts which they can apply to a range of problems in real world contexts.
Across the school, we are embedding a mastery approach so that children understand what they are doing and why they are doing it, rather than just learning routines and methods. This method ensures that the teaching and learning of mathematics is consistent and will support all pupils with their understanding and retention.
The children’s understanding is built using a range of concrete resources, pictorial representations and abstract approaches.
Pupils explore maths in depth, using mathematical vocabulary to reason and explain their workings. They are taught to explain their choice of methods and develop their mathematical reasoning skills.
We encourage resilience and acceptance that struggle is often a necessary step in learning.
To deliver our maths lessons, we have implemented Power Maths - a government approved, high-quality mastery textbook. Using this scheme, lessons are carefully ordered to build on prior learning in small, manageable steps. Power Maths lessons are delivered daily in all year groups.
What does a lesson look like?
- Power up - revisits and embeds previous learning.
- Discover - each lesson begins with a real-life problem. These are a fun and engaging way designed to get children thinking, prompting discussion and reasoning.
- Share - the class shares their ideas and compare different ways to solve the problem. Children are able to develop their understanding of the concept with input from the teacher.
- Think together - this part of the lesson, builds a secure foundation, develops understanding in different ways and with increasing independence.
- Practice - independently or in small, guided groups children complete the pages in their work book. Questions have been carefully designed to develop fluency, build confidence and encourage children to think differently.
- Reflect - finally children are prompted to reflect on and record their learning from each session and show how they have grasped the concept explored in the lesson.
Where a concept is not yet secure, children will be supported in a variety of ways including pre-teaching, revisiting concepts, addressing misconceptions, small group teaching, concrete resources and strengthen activities.
Additional challenge is provided through teachers careful questioning, exploring other methods, explaining their reasoning and open-ended deepen activities.
In addition to Power Maths lessons, EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2 participate in the Mastering Number programme. This involves short practical sessions with the aims to secure firm foundations in the development of good number sense for all children by the end of KS1.
In KS2, year groups spend additional time developing fluency, with a particular focus on the teaching and practise of times tables.
In Reception and KS1, children have access to Numbots to practise and learn their number facts. Within Year 2, children will begin to transition to focusing on multiplication and division facts on Times Table Rockstars. Weekly certificates are awarded for greatest progress on these during celebration assemblies.
At Broke Hall, pupils talk enthusiastically about their maths. There is a consistent approach across the school, where children are familiar with models, representations and resources.
Much of the pupils' learning is live marked. This allows for instant feedback on their efforts, where teachers can provide additional support or challenge where appropriate. Children will make corrections in lessons so that misconceptions can be addressed and mistakes can be learnt from. Where necessary, additional intervention is provided as quickly as possible to help maintain the whole class working together.
After each unit is complete, an end of unit check is carried out. Children complete a termly NFER assessment which assesses their arithmetical fluency and their mathematical reasoning. Results from both of these summative assessments are used to further inform planning and intervention groups.
Maths in EYFS
Like the rest of the school, the Reception classes follow Power Maths. This helps create secure foundations, where children are first exposed key vocabulary, resources and representations. The lessons and activities are practical and active, mirroring our EYFS culture. A typical week will follow a similar learning pattern of a Power Maths lesson. For example, day 1: starter, day 2: discovery and share, day 3: think together/practice, day 4: challenge and day 5: practical and reflect.
In our Nursery, maths is taught through a wide range of provision in all the areas of learning. Children have experience of numbers through sorting and 1:1 counting, physical counting in cooking activities and PE games, outdoor play, number songs, role play, and story book themes. Mathematical language and vocabulary is modelled by the adults during children’s exploration and play. Shape, space, measure and pattern are taught in the same way: for example from reading ‘The Enormous Turnip ’children will learn vocabulary relating to size and scale, ordinal numbers and will use mathematical language when re telling the story. Children use large and small construction, loose parts and natural materials daily to experience practical measure. Capacity is experienced through playdough, sensory play, sand and water play and in the Potion Station. Development Matters is the foundation of the nursery curriculum, alongside Planning in the Moment where staff support and develop children’s individual interests.