Welcome to Year 3
Click the arrow to view the presentation from the Year 3 Meet the Teacher Session
The teaching staff are:
Mrs E Sayyad/Mrs Duncan- 3SH
Miss H Cooper - 3C
Miss K Varden - 3V
We are supported by:
Mrs J South, Mrs S Aves, Miss L Allen, Mrs S Joyce, Mrs J Davies
Mrs G Waldock, Mrs P Newland, Mr T Bradford
PE and Games
Please ensure your child has a named P.E. kit on these days and some warm kit and sturdy footwear for outside.We also ask that earrings are not worn on these days. If earrings do need to be worn, then the children need to bring in tape to cover them.
Homework is set at the beginning of each half-term and children are expected to complete one activity week from the bingo board. This is to be handed in on a Monday.
Reading diaries should be written in every time your child reads at home. We encourage children to read a minimum of 5 times a week. Reading diaries will be checked every Monday by your child's class teacher.
Times tables should be practised little and often. All children have access to Times Table Rock Stars and can practise on website maths frame.