Welcome to Year 2
Click the arrow to view the presentation from the Year 2 Meet the Teacher Session
Teaching Team
Mrs. Richardson (2R) (Year Lead)
Mr. Balls (2B)
Mrs. Stebbings/Mrs Collins (2SC)
We are supported by:
Mrs. Ford, Mrs. Banyard, Mrs. Connell
PPA is covered by:
Mrs. Newland, Mr. Bradford(PE), Mrs. Waldock (Music)
How can you help your child?
Reading: We ask you to listen to your child read daily as this will enhance their progress. Please record in the reading diary when you have heard them. We will only issue a new book if we can see that the previous book has been read at home. We ask you to also discuss the content of the book. Once your child has read their book they need to put it in the reading box for changing.
Key words: Your child will bring home Year 2 Common Exception Words to learn. Please continue to support them in learning these as they will be regularly assessed at school.
Maths: Please work on counting forwards and backwards in 2, 3, 5, and 10, number bonds to 20 and number doubles.
Other things you can practise at home include telling the time to the hour, half past, quarter to and quarter past, and recalling the names and properties of 2D and 3D shapes by spotting them in the home or while out and about.
Numbots and TT Rockstars: The children have got a login for Numbots which is halos their login for TT Rockstars. This will help your child with recall and fluency in mental addition and subtraction and times tables.
Homework tasks: These will be sent weekly and alternate between English and maths.
Independence – Please help your child to be responsible for and organise their own belongings.
This includes being able to tape their ears if wearing earrings on PE days, (ideally these should not be worn on PE days) and handing homework in.
Presentation – We ask that when you work on written homework tasks you encourage neat presentation and correct letter formation.