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At Broke Hall, teachers employ a variety of writing stimuli from a range of high-quality texts, real life experiences, film and drama or role-play. Where possible, links are made between writing and the foundation subject areas being studied in order to provide a meaningful purpose and audience for the text. This could include, for example, a non-chronological report about the Romans, a diary written from the point of view of a character from a novel or an explanation text about a particular scientific process.

What does writing look like at Broke Hall?
  • Writing is taught as a carefully sequenced activity.
  • A combination of strategies and approaches are used, such as Sentence Stacking and Talk 4 Writing. These are adapted depending on the nature of the writing being explored.
  • Teachers provide regular helpful feedback through a combination of live marking, individualised verbal/written feedback and whole class feedback.
  • Time is planned into lessons for children to respond to English marking and feedback.
  •  Opportunities are provided to link writing tasks to learning in other subject areas, such as science, geography and history.
  • Opportunities for extended writing in foundation subjects are provided, ensuring the children are able to write for a range of audiences and to suit a variety of purposes.
  • We ensure progression in complexity of tasks and expectations year on year.
  • We build stamina for writing by providing opportunities to write independently and for extended periods. 
  • Editing and reviewing form a large part of lesson time – with age-appropriate strategies for responses to feedback used across the school.
  • Peer marking is encouraged as an additional way for children to respond to writing.
  • Children are encouraged to edit and improve their work by independently selecting and using appropriate equipment and resources, such as dictionaries, thesauruses and subject specific word mats.
  • Writing is displayed and celebrated all over the school.