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Suffolk NDD Advice and Guidance Service

We are pleased to share that we are launching a new Barnardos NDD Advice & Guidance Service yourselves and young people and parents/carers can access if you are thinking about progressing on the NDD Pathway, are awaiting triage or assessment or 2yr post diagnosis. This service is funded until 11th October 2024.


Here are some of the areas we can help with:

•              Provide support for children, young people (0-18yrs), families and professionals who are registered with a Suffolk GP (East and West), School Lane Thetford and The Grove Surgery Thetford.

•              Provide advice & guidance for children, young people, families and professionals who are considering making a Suffolk NDD referral to Pathway, is currently awaiting a triage outcome, is accepted for either ASD and/or ADHD assessment or has received a diagnosis via the NDD Pathway within the last 2 yrs.

•              Consider and Signpost children, young people, families and professionals to a range of services who can provide the most appropriate support following a discussion of the needs presented. Including a range of both universal and targeted support in a timely manner to ensure early intervention access for children, young people and families.

•              Provide resources for children, young people, families and professionals whilst on their NDD Pathway journey. Including tips and strategies to meet individual needs and details for local services who can support children, young people and families.


The Service will not:

•              Provide support for children, young people and families not residing in Suffolk or not registered with a Suffolk GP (East and West) or School Lane Thetford and The Grove Surgery Thetford.

•              Assist with the completion and/or gather additional information for referrals to the NDD Pathway.

•              Provide timeframes or information regarding NDD Pathway process at any stage.

•              Act as lead professional or co-ordinate other professionals supporting the child or family.

•              Complete direct interventions with children, young people and families.

•              Provide diagnosis assessments for ASD and/or ADHD

•              Access point for Crisis Support.


We have also attached a further poster for the Barnardos Suffolk Emotional Wellbeing Helpline Service, that young people, parents/carers and professionals can call if they require any signposting or resources regarding emotional wellbeing support.


 Kind Regards


Barnardos Suffolk Teams


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